5 Mistakes to Avoid When Designing Amazon Premium A+ Content

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Jun 15, 2024
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Premium A+, A+ Content, infographic examples, and more!

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So, you finally got approved for Amazon Premium A+ Content. Congratulations! It's a fantastic way to make your products shine and grab shoppers' attention.

But hold on— before diving headfirst into designing, let's make sure you're on the right path. Creating standout content isn't just about flashy graphics and fancy words. It's about connecting with your audience and giving them a seamless shopping experience.

You've dedicated so much time and effort to developing your product; the last thing you want is for subpar content design to undermine it. Picture this: a potential customer is scrolling through Amazon, they stumble upon your product page, and instead of being wowed, they're overwhelmed and confused. Ouch, right? That's exactly what we want to avoid.

This post will discuss the top five mistakes to avoid when crafting your Amazon Premium A+ Content. Think of this as your friendly guide to sidestepping the common pitfalls and creating content that truly reflects the awesomeness of your product. Grab a Red Bull, get comfortable, and let's get cracking!

What is Amazon Premium A+ Content?

What exactly is Amazon Premium A+ Content? Think of it as the supercharged version of your standard product listing. While regular A+ Content lets you add more text and some extra images, Premium A+ Content takes things to a whole new level. We're talking high-quality videos, interactive modules, comparison charts, and enhanced imagery that really make your product pop. Amazon even says having Premium A+ Content can help increase sales by up to 20%!

In a nutshell, Premium A+ Content is your secret weapon for standing out in the crowded Amazon marketplace and making your product irresistible to potential buyers.

Mistake #1: Overloading with Graphics and Information

I get it— you want to showcase everything great about your product. But cramming every bit of information and flashy graphic into your Premium A+ Content can backfire. When your page looks like a visual explosion, it can overwhelm and confuse shoppers.

Think about the main points you want to get across and highlight those. Use white space to give your content some breathing room. It helps guide the reader's eye and makes your content look more professional.

✅  Here's What to Do:

  • Focus on Key Points: Highlight the most important features and benefits of your product.
  • Use High-quality Images: Choose a few great images rather than a multitude of mediocre ones.
  • Incorporate White Space: Let your content breathe to avoid overwhelming visitors.

Remember, less is more. If your graphics are too busy, it distracts from your message. Stick to a few high-quality images that showcase your product. A clean design with plenty of white space is more inviting and easier to read. Plus, it makes your product the star of the show.

❌  Try to Avoid This:

While it's not overloaded with text and information, the warming tray example below could definitely benefit from white space and a better layout to showcase its information. The photos have a similar tone, and stacking them without any space in between makes it harder to digest the visuals as you scroll down the page. Their Product Images are lighter and more open, and it would have been great if they had also carried that over to their Premium A+ Content.

Source: Amazon

Mistake #2: Ignoring Mobile Optimization

Raise your hand if you shop on your phone. Yep, me too. With Amazon being the leading mobile online shopping app, you need to make sure your Premium A+ Content looks just as good on a small screen as it does on a desktop.

Make sure your images and text are optimized for mobile viewing. If your content only looks good on a big screen, you're missing out on many potential customers. Almost every module allows you to provide a desktop and mobile version of the graphic, so double-check that your images are responsive and your text is readable without having to zoom in.

✅  Here's What to Do:

  • View on Mobile Device: Check that your content looks great on smaller screens.
  • Avoid Tiny Text: Keep your font sizes large enough to read comfortably when the content is reduced to a smaller size.

Test your design on different devices. It's worth taking the extra time to make sure it looks great everywhere. You want a seamless experience for all users, no matter how they're viewing your page.

❌  Try to Avoid This:

In this balloon arch example below, on desktop, the Amazon Premium A+ Content needs to be less busy with sufficient breathing space around the elements. But here’s the kicker: switching to mobile view is a whole different story. It’s like they didn’t even bother testing how it would look on smaller screens. Everything gets chopped off, and you can’t even see the full picture. It’s a missed opportunity because optimizing for mobile is key these days. You’ve got to make sure your content looks just as awesome on phones as it does on desktops.

Balloon arch Amazon Premium A+ Content Example
Source: Amazon

Mistake #3: Using Too Many Different Types of Modules

Amazon Premium A+ Content offers a variety of modules to showcase your product. But here's the thing— just because you have a lot of options doesn't mean you should use all of them. Using too many different types of modules can make your page look disjointed and overwhelming.

✅  Here's What to Do:

  • Choose a Few Key Modules: Pick the modules that best highlight your product's features.
  • Maintain a Consistent Design: Keep the style and format uniform across all modules.
  • Avoid Clutter: Don't overcrowd your page with too many elements.

Having a cohesive design helps guide the shopper's eye smoothly through your content. When everything looks like it belongs together, it creates a more pleasant and professional shopping experience. Too many disparate modules can be confusing and make it hard for customers to find the information they need.

❌  Try to Avoid This:

In this case, less really is more. Take a look at the card deck example below. They've gone with a different module for each section, and while having options with Amazon Premium A+ Content is great, using them strategically is key. When you use too many different modules without a design strategy, it starts to feel disjointed and can be confusing for shoppers. I prefer a seamless design that effortlessly guides your eyes down the page.

Source: Amazon

Mistake #4: Not Putting Effort into the Design or Layout

Just slapping something together for the sake of having content is a big no-no. Your Premium A+ Content is your chance to wow potential customers and make your product stand out. If your design looks half-hearted, shoppers will notice.

✅  Here's What to Do:

  • Plan Your Layout: Think about how you want to present your information and what flow makes sense.
  • Use Eye-catching Visuals: High-quality images and videos can make a big difference.
  • Tell a Story: Guide your customers through a journey that highlights the benefits and features of your product.

Think of your Amazon Premium A+ Content as a digital storefront. You wouldn't leave your store looking messy and uninviting, so don't do it with your online content, either. Take the time to design a layout that's both attractive and functional. This is your chance to impress, so make it count!

❌  Try to Avoid This:

Check out the layout of the mosquito repellent bracelet below, which uses just the Premium A+ Single Image with Text module. It gives you some info, but honestly, I think it could be way more appealing. When I see their packaging, I start thinking about all the cool and enticing things they could have done to make the info stand out. Imagine if they added some eye-catching graphics or interactive elements that draw you in and make you want to learn more about the product. It's all about grabbing attention and creating a memorable impression, right?

Mosquito repellent bracelet Amazon Premium A+ Content Example
Source: Amazon

Mistake #5: Not Providing Valuable Information

While visuals are important, it’s also crucial to include valuable information in your A+ Premium Content. Many sellers make the mistake of focusing solely on images and neglecting the text portion of their content. Shoppers need details, specifications, benefits, usage instructions, and more.

✅  Here's What to Do:

  • Balance Text and Visuals: Use captivating images that explain features and help customers understand your product better.
  • Highlight USPs: Share your unique selling points to stand out from competitors and persuade customers.
  • Include Product Specifications: Help customers make informed decisions and reduce inquiries and returns.

While stunning visuals draw people in, it’s the valuable information that convinces them to click “Add to Cart.” Balance both elements to create a comprehensive and compelling product page.

❌  Try to Avoid This:

In this kids' busy board example, I find it lacking in informative content. Personally, I prefer when the Image Stack or Product Images complement the Premium A+ Content, but in this case, neither effectively communicates the benefits it offers for children or highlights its unique selling points compared to competitors.

Busy Board Amazon Premium A+ Content Example
Source: Amazon

Effective Amazon Premium A+ Content Designs and Why

Crafting effective Amazon Premium A+ Content is crucial for standing out in e-commerce. It's more than just visuals and text— it's about creating a compelling narrative that influences purchasing decisions and boosts brand credibility. Let's get into what makes these designs effective visually, shall we?

Fixing Mistake #1: Optimizing with White Space

As I was looking for examples, I found a bubble mower design that effectively uses white space. Despite the potential for a crowded layout, it incorporates open space and elements that extend from the borders, creating a fun and engaging visual. Earlier, I mentioned the warming tray example, which could have greatly benefited from a similar incorporation of more white space.

Bubble Mower Amazon Premium A+ Content Example
Source: Amazon

Fixing Mistake #2: Mobile-Friendly Design

Simple, clean, and looks great on mobile— what's not to love? Check out this Saie example where they mostly use Amazon's Premium A+ Full Image module (one of my favorites). It's easy to read and navigate, making it a breeze to learn about the product whether you're on your phone or desktop. This kind of design not only looks sharp but also helps shoppers understand the product's key features. I love the colors and photos too!

Saie Amazon Premium A+ Content Example
Source: Amazon

Fixing Mistake #3: Correctly Utilize Amazon Premium A+ Modules

Check out the Pampers example below— it's a great demonstration of how you can incorporate various types of modules without overwhelming your design. Unlike the card deck example above, Pampers maintains an interactive layout that feels cohesive and organized, rather than busy and disjointed.

Pampers Amazon Premium A+ Content Example
Source: Amazon

Fixing Mistake #4: Adding Effort to your Design

While larger brands often overlook their Premium A+ Content, relying on their established reputation, Too Faced takes a different approach. They design each product with its own unique theme, as seen in the example below. By leveraging Amazon's Premium A+ Full Image modules, again, one of my personal favorites, they seamlessly blend multiple elements into what appears as a single, cohesive image. It's fun, on brand, and looks great on mobile!

When comparing it to the mosquito repellent bracelet above, Two Faced's Premium A+ Content reveals missed opportunities that could have set the brand apart from competitors. While the potential is evident, it seems the execution fell short.

Two Faced Amazon Premium A+ Content Example
Source: Amazon

Fixing Mistake #5: Finding the Right Mix

I really appreciate this example for being able to blend lifestyle imagery with design elements without appearing cluttered or disconnected. Each image maintains a consistent look, feel, and tone, underscoring the importance of investing in professional photography over stock images. Despite being visually engaging, they also manage to convey additional information that may not have been highlighted in their Product Images.

In contrast, the busy board example above could benefit significantly from reducing reliance on stock photography and focusing on providing detailed product information and benefits. This approach could effectively distinguish their product from others in the market.

Greenies Amazon Premium A+ Content Example

Amazon is fiercely competitive, and unless you differentiate yourself positively from competitors, your business growth may be limited.

If you're curious to see more examples of Amazon Premium A+ Content, check out this post here or take a look at some of the designs I've worked on myself!

Sealing the Deal: The Perfect Blend of Visuals and Value

Amazon Premium A+ Content can be a powerful tool for increasing conversions and driving sales. However, it's important to avoid common mistakes when designing your content. By understanding your audience, following Amazon's guidelines, optimizing for mobile, utilizing high-quality visuals, and more, you can create effective A+ Premium Content that will enhance your product listings and help drive success on Amazon.

Go ahead and start designing! And remember, it’s all about creating an experience that makes shoppers excited about your product. Happy designing!

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